Project Raise Your Hand

mingcute check 2 fill

mingcute check 2 fill

mingcute check 2 fill

Our need has never been greater for strong, unified partnerships among community sectors to bring lasting hope and support to all our public schools. Our state’s future depends on our collective “yes”!

2 kids raising hands scaled

unexcused absences per school year*

discipline referrals per school year*

student’s self-confidence and connectedness to others*

say mentors make a difference for students**

*Gordon, Janet, et al. (2013). Effects of a School-Based Mentoring Program on School Behavior and Measures of Adolescent Connectedness. School Community Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2. pp. 227–250.
**DeLaRosa, Shawna. (2022). 95% of all teachers say mentors make a difference for students. K-12, January 19.

Anyone with a heart to serve, and who meets district requirements, may join the Project Raise Your Hand movement.

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Faith Organizations

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Community Groups

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